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International Partnerships

UC Merced collaborates with universities and other research institutions around the world. Most often, this collaboration develops from the efforts of our individual faculty members and their colleagues abroad, and proceeds successfully without the establishment of formal inter-institutional partnerships.

In some instances, UC Merced and its partner institutions formalize relationships through inter-institutional memoranda of understanding and other agreements. Agreements may facilitate a range of activities, including collaborative research, student and faculty mobility, and international student enrollment. While partnership agreements are intended to make meaningful contributions to the institutions’ respective international goals, achieving their potential usually depends on active participation of faculty, staff and their academic and administrative units and, in many cases, notable non-personnel resources. Consequently, the development of inter-institutional agreements proceeds from critical consideration of the potential return of the partnership, including its sustainability.

When it is determined that a partnership agreement is appropriate and in accordance with UC Merced’s institutional goals, the agreement must proceed through a review and approval process, which ultimately involves the UC Merced sponsor, respective School Dean, the Provost, Chief Campus Legal Counsel, and the Chancellor. When appropriate, other parties, such as export control, visa services, study abroad, and risk services are brought into the discussion.

If you have questions about developing a partnership with an institution abroad, please contact Director of International Affairs, Garett Gietzen (